Santa’s Doubles – Grab Bag
For the second round of Santa’s Doubles, the format to be played will be chosen at random, during the lunch break, from the list below.
Alternate Shot – The team chooses one partner to tee off on the first hole of the round. the other partner throws from the resulting lie. For the rest of the round, only one partner throws from each lie, alternating with each shot.
Best Score – Each partner plays his/her own shots as if playing singles. The team records only the lower of the team’s two scores on each hole.
Choice Shot – One partner throws from the tee. After the throw, team must decide to take the resulting lie or have the other partner throw. If the second partner throws, that shot must be taken by the team. This process is repeated at every lie through the completion of the hole.
Scotch – Both partners throw from the tee, choosing the better of the two shots as the next lie. From that lie, the players alternate throws until the hole is complete. If Player A’s throw is chosen, Player B must make the next throw, and vice versa.
Tough Shot – Both partners throw from each lie. The worst of the two throws is chosen as the next lie. The choice rests with the other team(s) in the playing group. Only one partner has to hole out to end a hole.
Worst Shot – Both partners throw from each lie. The worst of the two throws is chosen as the next lie. The choice rests with the other team(s) in the playing group. Both partners must hole out to end a hole.
Each year, the draw will be weighted so the least desirable formats will have the least chance of being drawn. The base formula will be 3 entries for Alternate, Best Score, Choice, and Scotch, 2 entries for Tough Shot, 1 entry for Worst Shot. Additionally, the previous year’s format will be reduced to one entry to reduce the chances of repeating.