Two players’ chance to earn a free entry to the DDGC!
The winner of the points race (League Champion) will win a free entry to the division of their choice. Additionally, a second winner will be chosen by raffle. Each week attended is a raffle entry for every player that participates in the series (League Champion not eligible to win).
COURSE SCHEDULE (tentative based on weather)
Mar 11, Mar 18, Mar 25, Apr 1, Apr 8, Apr 15 = Red Dragon (winter)
Apr 22 = Talon (Shorts)
Apr 29 = Red Dragon (spring/DDGC)
May 6 = Talon (Short Odds)
May 13 = Red Dragon (spring/DDGC)
May 20 = Talon (Longs)
May 27 = Red Dragon (spring/DDGC) + DRAGON’S TAIL NINE
How points are earned each week (subject to change before league begins):
- 1 point for playing
- 1 point for each team beaten or tied
Point values are doubled for weeks 5-8
Point values are tripled for weeks 9-12
- 10 point bonus for 1st place
- 7 point bonus for 2nd place
- 4 point bonus for 3rd place
- 2 point bonus for 4th place
These bonuses will double for weeks 9-12
- 10 bonus points for any ace
- 7 bonus points for hitting the deuce trifecta — each week three random holes will be picked. Teams that deuce all three in the round will earn 7 points.
End of series bonuses:
- 15 point bonus for perfect attendance (12 weeks)
- 10 point bonus for attending at least 9 weeks
- 5 point bonus for attending at least 6 weeks
- 15 point bonus for most wins earned
- 10 point bonus for second most wins earned
- 5 point bonus for third most wins earned
Any first place ties will be broken with a sudden-death playoff. The winning team in the playoff will be awarded all first place points and bonuses. All teams that lose a playoff will be awarded second place points and bonuses. Playoffs will work as follows:
- Winter Dragon (Red Dragon, winter layout): playoffs will begin on hole 15 and play 15-18 in a loop until there is a winner.
- Red Dragon: playoffs begin on hole 17 and play 17-18 in a loop until there is a winner.
- Talon: playoffs begin on hole 1, then go to hole 18, then repeat until there is a winner.
Payout table:
Payouts will follow standard pro PDGA pay table (40% of the field)…
- 2-3 teams pays 1
- 4-6 teams pays 2
- 7-8 teams pays 3
- 8-10 teams pays 4
- 11-13 teams pays 5
- 14-16 teams pays 6
- 17-18 teams pays 7
- 19-21 teams pays 8
- 22-23 teams pays 9
- 24-26 teams pays 10
- 27-28 teams pays 11
- 29-31 teams pays 12
- 32-33 teams pays 13
- 34-36 teams pays 14