Tag Archives: Sponsors

Welcome Westside Discs to the DDGC

We promised a few days ago that we had news on the sponsorship front, and if what it is hasn’t been made clear by some of the changes made to the site header and our Facebook avatar, here it is: Westside Golf Discs has come on board to be a presenting sponsor.  We are now officially the Dragan Disc Golf Classic presented by Westside Discs.

What this means is our ams are going to be getting some sweet Westside merchandise in their players packs.  Maybe the pros too, but their benefit in this is largely going to come via their increased cash purse.

Still have one MPO/FPO reserved spot available for the taking.  If you want to play and haven’t signed up yet, what are you waiting for?

Sponsors wanted, and you can help

They make average events good and good events great.  They are sponsors.  The more, the merrier.  Sponsors means more amenities, more prizes, more fun.

We’re looking for any and all sponsors we can get, and we will reward anyone who helps us out in that department through our Sponsor Referral Rewards program.  Rewards begin with just one $20 (cash or equivalent) sponsor referred to the tournament.  Details are at the link.

Speaking of sponsors, we are already lining up some big ones.  More details to come as they are ironed out, but it looks like we’re going to have ourselves a presenting sponsor this year.

We’ve also got a sponsor lined up for the Dragan Field spring league, the winner of which earns free entry to the DDGC.  League is scheduled to begin on the first Monday after Daylight Saving begins, March 14.   Look for flyers and details around March 1.

One last thing for this update…still one MPO/FPO spot left in the tournament.  Surprisingly this spot has been sitting unclaimed for close to ten days.  Sign up for it before someone else does!